“My teachers make the classes so fun, they help everyone feel connected and not left out. And I really love that.”

“Marwen changed my life!”

“Marwen connected me with other artists and helped me form new friendships.”

“Marwen’s Teaching Artists taught me so much just by being themselves.”

Letter from the Executive Director

As I look back at 2023—on the young people and their families, the teaching artists and staff, the donors and supporters—I am filled with joy at the ambitious work we accomplished together.

This past year, we reflected, took action, and focused on our mission to inspire young people to nurture their growth and build their futures through art and community. Let’s explore the key steps we took in 2023 towards a sustainable and vibrant future for young people, for our community, and for the organization. Read More>

Akilah Halley, Executive Director
Isa Pressman, Board President

Marwen Stories

Marwen will soon celebrate 25 years at our home on Orleans, but its roots run back to 1987. Since then, we’ve welcomed over 15,000 young people into our courses—and our impact extends to families, teaching artists, staff, board members, donors, and the city as a whole. We're not just about art; we're about igniting sparks, crafting dreams, and painting a vibrant future.

Highlights 2023

In 2023, we reflected—and then we took action. From building enrollment to launching META to implementing equity work, last year was pivotal in creating a sustainable future for Marwen.

Testimonials & Video

“Marwen’s career fair changed my life. I just graduated from DePaul with my BFA!”

“Marwen is like home for an artist. As a teaching artist, I strive to have every voice in the room respected.”

“I'm writing a story in Marwen’s comic class now. Then I’m going to make my characters come to life in the 3-D printing class. Next term, I’ll take filmmaking to animate the whole thing. I have plans. I can do everything here.”

“We get to go to museums and see exhibits…I love getting to learn about other artists and new types of art.”

“Seeing student projects come to life is a joy, especially in programs like Design to Print where they can reach a wider audience.”

Making art and new friends at Marwen.

Marwen’s Spring fundraiser, Paintbrush Ball 2023.

By the Numbers: 2023

WHO WE SERVE: Our 2023 community is composed of young people in grades 6-12 who live in Chicago and experience financial and systemic barriers to an arts education and/or access to post-secondary opportunities.

•  Percentage of Chicago’s 77 neighborhoods served: 90%
•  Percentage of young people from low-income families: 73%
Percentage of young people who identify as BIPOC: 86%
Percentage of young people homeschooled: 18%
Percentage of young people in public school: 75%

ENROLLMENT: Young people have the power to create and imagine the future. We strive to increase course offerings and enrollment each year.

•  Total enrollment: 1074
Total number of unique students: 677

PROGRAMMING: Marwen courses, educational and career counseling, and paid internships provide young people with pathways to a thriving adulthood.

•  Courses and Internships offered: 70
• Workshops offered: 22
Class hours provided: 26,850
College and Career counseling sessions provided: 56

Financial Statement 2023

990 Form 2023

From the way we steward donations to the solar panels on our roof, Marwen is dedicated to a sustainable future. We have a civic soul and are committed to Chicago—but most of all, we’re committed to the young people and families we serve. The numbers below add precision to how we make our work happen, who's involved in our story, and what Marwen offers. 

What’s Next?

This is a significant moment in time for Marwen. In the face of a changing philanthropic environment, demographic transitions within Chicago, and a rapidly evolving world, we are anchored by the amazing power of our mission and deep resilience. Our ambitious plans include:

  • Growing enrollment to full capacity.

  • Developing an Associate Board to support networking and fundraising.

  • Conducting a feasibility study for a new program endowment campaign.

  • Mapping skills learned at Marwen to careers and educational opportunities.

  • Relaunching our Program Committee to help strategize our future.

  • Strengthening career opportunities through the META program.

SInce 1987, Marwen has provided more than 15,000 young people with high-quality visual arts courses as well as college planning and career counseling sessions. Because of you, all of this is offered at no cost to the individuals and families we serve. Thank you. We’re so grateful for your support and belief in
our work.

List of donors 2023

Supporting Marwen

Interested in learning more about Marwen’s programs and offerings?
Click to view our main site, support our work, or connect on social media. Thanks!